A lot of Flapping hosts every 60 seconds

Ah okay, sorry, i am not familiar with the new interface yet.

Can you please check, which service is used to determine your host up state? If it’s still on SMARTPing this could be the reason for the staleness of the hosts.

Im using Ping yeah…
The Icon appears but looking at the graphs that services provide, they’re still getting data, so I don’t understand why it shows as stale even tho we’re getting the data.
The pings looks state but if I reschedule an active check it goes up again.
Also sometimes it says that the host is in stale but the last check was 220seconds ago…

Can you please provide your information on the host again, like in A lot of Flapping hosts every 60 seconds - #12 by PedroPereira?

It’s the same as before, just changed to normal ping since it worked with the flapping problem but it created the stale problem

Actually i see no reason, why the hosts should change to stale if the ping is returning within 90 seconds.

Isn’t there a way of doing some kinda of rule or something like, “if the hosts go to the stale state use SMART ping”?
The hosts that are in stale state I changed to smart ping and it worked but I have like 1000 hosts so doing 1 by 1 its kinda out of option

I guess there is no such option to reconfigure hosts depending on their states on the fly.
We have introduced a host tag for this at the beginning, dividing our hosts into LAN and WAN segment to build rules for this purpose. Therefore you only need two rules to change the host up state calculation.

I solved it by increasing the Fetchers and checkers numbers.

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