Add Winperf page life expectancy

Hi there,

We are having a little difficulty getting the PLE read out.

I have already set up the check on the bakery, updated the agent and in the logfile of the agent you can see that the check is also included. But the output of “check_mk_agent.exe test” does not show a corresponding section.

Is there maybe a how-to, how to step by step add winperf counters? I’ve found some other persons, struggling with the same issue, but not really one good answer. :expressionless:

kind regards and a wonderful day

Extract from the logfile:
2020-08-04 14:50:21.532 async RunStdCmd: “C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe” -runonce winperf mail:\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0 id:834199122484700 timeout:10 ip:XX.XX.XX.XX 234:phydisk 510:if 238:processor 11828:page_life_expectancy
2020-08-04 14:50:21.533 perf: Section ‘uptime’ took [2] milliseconds
2020-08-04 14:50:21.533 [Trace] Sending data ‘mem’ id is [834199122484700] length [229]
2020-08-04 14:50:21.534 [Trace] Left [37] files to execute
2020-08-04 14:50:21.535 [Trace] Provider ‘services’ is about to be started, id ‘834199122484700’ port [mail:\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2020-08-04 14:50:21.536 perf: Section ‘mem’ took [2] milliseconds
2020-08-04 14:50:21.537 [Trace] Provider ‘ps’ is about to be started, id ‘834199122484700’ port [mail:\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2020-08-04 14:50:21.538 [Trace] Provider ‘fileinfo’ is about to be started, id ‘834199122484700’ port [mail:\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2020-08-04 14:50:21.538 [Trace] Sending data ‘fileinfo’ id is [834199122484700] length [34]
2020-08-04 14:50:21.539 perf: Section ‘fileinfo’ took [0] milliseconds
2020-08-04 14:50:21.540 Plugin ‘C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mssql.vbs’ is sync with age:0 timeout:120 retry:0
2020-08-04 14:50:21.541 [Trace] Provider ‘logwatch’ is about to be started, id ‘834199122484700’ port [mail:\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2020-08-04 14:50:21.542 [Trace] Left [1] files to execute in ‘plugins’
2020-08-04 14:50:21.542 [Warn ] Timeout is corrected from [120] to [60]
2020-08-04 14:50:21.543 Allowed Extensions: [exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2020-08-04 14:50:21.544 [Trace] Left [0] files to execute
2020-08-04 14:50:21.545 [Trace] Left [0] files to execute in ‘local’

Just adding the winperf area does not create a corresponding check (program) on your checkmk monitor host.

I just recently did one for DNS Requests (just graphing, so not complete). I used the winperf_ts_sessions check as “my guide”.

Just adding the winperf area does not create a corresponding check (program) on your checkmk monitor host.

Yes, i wrote that… What are the steps, to get this section?

It would be really nice if we got a thread where exactly this question is answered.
Your answer is unfortunately as unsatisfactory as with all other questioners.

At the moment I have no idea how the statement in this short form about winperf_ts_sessions should help me.

There is no example in the agent and on the CheckMK host I can’t find anything similar. The entry under “Host & Service Parameters” is empty and under Check Plugins I can’t find anything that might help me in this matter.

At least a clue where to look would be nice.

For example, do I need to look at the Check Plugin at the file level and maybe make a copy of it and rewrite it?

I responded on the other thread as well, this is worthy of a more tutorial howto write up. I’ll try to create that and post a link here.

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