Advanced Telegram Plugin - Telegram Plus

Thank you very much for the answer as well as the effort put into the development of this plugin :slight_smile:

As for the installation - it went as smooth as it can be.

HOWEVER - I am facing one problem that you might shed some light on.
How can I use this plugin on several sites, based on the same machine?

I have installed the plugin using the “test” site and when I try to install it using the production site - I get warnings during the installation with:

sudo bash production 588KEYh0xhg PAASS --upgrade

WARNING: Target directory /omd/sites/production/local/share/checkmk-telegram-plus/bin already exists. Specify --upgrade to force replacement.

AND as a result - the BOT created on Telegram - does not start

I have tried a KEY that has working bot BUT the “target” does not change in the working BOT - it stays with the “test” site.
Might be something that I keep overlooking thaugh…