Agent register (cmk-agent-ctl) not possible if kerberos SSO is enabled

I did some further research. And so i found out, that IMHO the checkmk documentation for kerberos configuration is incomplete. After reading i added the following lines to the auth.conf. After a restart of the site the agent register is working. :slight_smile:

  # Use Kerberos auth only in case there is no Check_MK authentication
  # cookie provided by the user
  Require expr %{HTTP_COOKIE} =~ /auth_/
  Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} = "/${SITE}/check_mk/"
  Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/'
  Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/'
  Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/'
  Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/'
  Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} -strmatch '/${SITE}/check_mk/api/*'
  Require expr %{QUERY_STRING} =~ /(_secret=|auth_|register_agent)/
  Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/${SITE}/(omd/|check_mk/((images|themes)/.*\.(png|svg)|login\.py|.*\.(css|js)))#
  Require valid-user
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