API add_host unicode issue when disable Services

Hi all

checkmk Version 1.6.0.p8

I got the following issue, if i add a host via API. entry in hosts.mk has a prefix for unicode :
all_hosts += [u’hostviaapi.mydomain.test’]

while a host added via WATO does not:
all_hosts += [‘hostviawato.mydomain.test’]

Everything seems to work fine, even service discovery is possible, but as soon as i try to “disable” a service, the following issue occurs:

Unable to read current conditions of this rule. Falling back to default values. When saving this rule now, your previous settings will be overwritten. Problem was: Explicit hosts: The value must be of type str, but it has type unicode, Previous conditions:

{‘service_description’: [{’$regex’: u’Disk\ IO\ SUMMARY$’}], ‘host_folder’: ‘server/non-prod/linux’, ‘host_name’: [u’hostviaapi.mydomain.test’]}

If i remove the “u” in the hosts.mk it works as expected.

anyone also hit this issue ?

Kind Regards

Did you try add_host 2.2


Yes i did it with exactly like this, Host is added, everything is working,
but for some functions (like the disable Service) the error occurs
Kind regards

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