Automate CSV for Availability Report

I’m generating report via curl for automation on the report(raw version)
i want to see the last 30 days like in the web console.
when i download via the “export to CSV” is see the last 30 days ok
but when i’m using curl im not getting the last 30 days, instead i see something like last 24 hours
how can i change that in the curl request?

my request-
curl "" -o files/test.html

a valid URL could look like this:

curl “ &_username=YOURAUTOMATIONUSER&_secret=YOURSECRET&avo_rangespec_13_days=30&avo_rangespec_13_hours=0&avo_rangespec_13_minutes=0&avo_rangespec_13_seconds=0”

The important parameters in CMK 1.6 are:


They changed in CMK 2.0:



Thanks Karl this helps a lot, looks like my url call was wrong

Hi Alexmoo,

in addition to Karl, you can run the following python script:


import requests
import json

user = ‘automation’
passwd = ‘b139aa87-3338-4c27-92ca-09ae95307670’
access_addr = ‘https://klappanas/nagnis_master/check_mk/
params_get = (
(‘_username’, user),
(‘_secret’, passwd),


r =, params=params_get, verify=‘/home/anastasios/ssl_CERT/ca-chain.cert.pem’)

#print(“headers: %s” % r.headers)
#print(“status_code: %s” % r.status_code)

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