BUG: REST API User handling broken for some attributes

Thanks for the answer (and the re-classification of the topic).

I know that my use case is a little bit uncommon, but I did not know, that this is a community only forum, I expected some developer presence here, too (at least because the possiblity of bug reports or possible improvement requests/ideas).

And another thanks for the digging, too. As far as I can see, the CreateUser class must be extended(, too), the UpdateUser class contains at least the enforce_password_change parameter. But I found this:

# The interface options must be set for a new user but we restrict the setting through the API


PS: checkmk/cmk/gui/plugins/openapi/endpoints/user_config.py at v2.0.0p16 · Checkmk/checkmk · GitHub confuses me even more.