BUG: SNMP v3 with HP printer - any update or even better a solution?

Hi All,

since some time the check via snmpv3 runs absolutely reliable on the various HP printers (HP PageWide Pro Series).
So I want to share the result and details here, maybe someone else can use it.

  1. the update from Checkmk 1.6.0p17 to Checkmk 1.6.0p18 has shown that the small patch (~/lib/python/cmk_base/snmp.py) from Andreas is absolutely necessary:

     change the following line
     if check_plugin_name is not None and snmp_utils.is_snmpv3_host(snmp_config):
     if snmp_utils.is_snmpv3_host(snmp_config):
  2. it was necessary to create some additional rules in “Host & Service Parameters”, otherwise the tests run with OK but not the checks themselves.The following rules are necessary:

A) Timing settings for SNMP access

  • (Response timeout for a single query = 2sec / Number of retries = 10)

B) Check intervals for SNMP checks

  • (All SNMP checks: Do check every = 10min)

C) SNMPv3 contexts to use in requests

  • (All SNMP Checks: SNMP Context IDs = Jetdirect)

The set timing values work reliably and I did not try to optimize them further, because in this constellation they are absolutely sufficient.
The HP printers return 15 values each via Checkmk. Among them just as relevant values as toner level.
The SNMPv3 values for Auth Priv have to be set correctly in Checkmk according to the settings of the HP printers. This seems to be different between the different old HP Printer model series. But it can be seen very well in the settings of the HP printers and be taken over in Checkmk.

Happy monitoring