BUG: SNMP v3 with HP printer - any update or even better a solution?

Hi Sunil,
hi checkmk-Forum,

many thanks. This helped, but still no final success.
The Situation is somehow wired and still pretty much the same as Michael described in his initial post.

I just installed a brand new system with checkmk 1.6.0p17, doing only the HP Printer checks.
Also I added two rules:
A) “SNMPv3 contexts to use in requests”
B) “Hosts without system description OID”
C) setup SNMPv3 credentials


  1. a “full scan” in WATO ends with [Errno 111] Connection refused, but if I do “automatic refresh” the services show up eventually
  2. a Test in WATO => “Save & Test” is 100% predictable successful, everything “green”
  3. all services show up in “Main Overview” but stuck in “stalled” forever. 2 problems pop up, both with [Errno 111]

So basically it’s still the same result a described by Michael.
Any hint, how to get SNMPv3 with HP Printers up and running?

Kind regards