Bulk discovery from text list in distributed enviroment


we would like to rediscover multiple hosts from a list of hostnames in our distributed enviroment. Wato search is not an option because rediscovery is required because of a special state we got from another tool. The hosts to be discovered are spread over all Slave-Sites and we don’t want to try to discover all of these hosts on all sites via cmk -IIv. Same for Web-API as far as i know.

Is there any way to just rediscover the hosts from a list of hosts?



Hi @miwu, welcome to the forum.

Take a look at this thread. Maybe it can help you out.


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Unfortunaly, Web-API works only for the site you called. It is not possible to discover hosts monitored on a slave site from the master site using web-api.



You have other functions inside API that you can call to accomplish that.
get_host to get the site parameter
get_site for the site you got from get_host function…
You can build the slave api address and have a global automation user to do the magic.

Just a weekend mode idea.


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