Bulk notification of console events (selection of contacts)

I have forwarded Windows Event Logs to the Event Console. I have a rule that changes the Comment to “Windows Events” and I have a notification rule that focuses just on Event Console and ones with Comment “Window Events”.

Originally for my bulk I said at most “1 day”. The problem is that sometimes I get them, sometimes I don’t.
It’s possible I’ve just configured something wrong or maybe I’m triggering the mail out somehow.

Regardless, back to selection, does “Notify all contacts of the notified host or service.” even make sense for event console bulks? Should I just select who based on members of a Contact Group? Just asking for some clarification. I ask because events can correlate to “hosts”, but I’m figuring that maybe that is a very loose correlation and not something you can key off with regards to an event and selection for notification.

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