Can't update to 2.3.0b3

I just disabled all plugins to be sure, same error.

OMD[home]:~$ mkp list
Name                    Version         Title                        Author                                           Req. Version Until Version Files State
----------------------- --------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------ ------------- ----- --------
fail2ban                1.9.1           Monitor fail2ban jail status Jens Kuehnel                                     2.0.0        None          7     Disabled
snmp_uptime             20220306.v0.0.1 SNMP Uptime                  Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)               2021.09.20   None          1     Disabled
active_check_traceroute 0.0.2-20230607  Check Traceroute (extended)  Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)               2.1.0b1      None          4     Disabled
checkmk_update          0.1.1-20230519  Checkmk Update               Th.L. (thl-cmk[at]outlook[dot]com)               2.0.0b1      None          3     Disabled
sslcertificates         8.7.3           SSL-Certificates             Robert Sander <>     2.0.0        None          6     Disabled
qemu                    2.0.2           Qemu / KVM                   Kuhn & Rueß GmbH                                 2.0.0        None          4     Disabled
access_logs             1.2.1           HTTP Access Logs             Notausstieg0309 <> 2.0.0        None          8     Disabled

Don’t think there is anything else that specific about my installation. Never had CEE, always CRE. Is there a way to get more verbosity/debug for the update script?

Didn’t find anything on my server.

OMD[home]:~$ grep -sR "cmk.gui.cee.registration" .