Check mail loop

i would appreciate if someone could help me fix this problem. Y-day I set some active checks for mail delivery. It worked fine without problems till this morning when i am getting this error.


looks like that your Mailserver deny the incoming Mail based on on many messages from the same host.
You need to check the security options on your mailserver.

Cheers, Christian

thank you for your swift reply. We are looping between our two mail servers and set no rate limit so i don’t think denying will be problem.
I was thinking if cleaning cache of this won’t help?

Thanks for your help, JF

Have you tried cleaning out all those old messages from your screenshot?

I didn’t try cleaning old messages, problem solved itself next day but i think i know where problem was.
We were modifying rule and first set to delete old messages then to keep them and error showed. When i set to delete old messages again error disappeared maybe there was problem. I don’t know how that check work in background if it tries to open mailbox and find all messages which he sent from moment we first set the rule, if yes there is cause of error because some got automatically deleted. It is only my assumption.
Thanks for help anyway.

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