[Check_mk (english)] sftp check not working

Hi Sander,

click the service description of your SFTP service to open the service details.
Scroll down till the 'service check command' row.
Note the arguments shown after the exclamation mark and try to execute
this command as siteuser - what's the outcome?

~/lib/nagios/plugins/check_sftp NOTED_ARGUMENTS



Am Di., 5. Feb. 2019 um 22:22 Uhr schrieb Avalon IT <support@avalon-it.nl>:

Yes, i can do a comandline sftp -oPort=8022 user@ip from the check_mk server. It will connect normally
Since the Check_MK rule will work when i change the port of the sftp server back to 22, it must have something to do with the port

It is specified in the rule values though: IP, user, Password, ******,Port: 8022

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