[Check_mk (english)] sftp check not working

Hi all,

Can anyone assist me please in troubleshouting this issue?

  • Check_mk sftp check to sftp server on port 8022 failes.

  • When i change the server to listen on port 22, it works

  • I can do commandline sftp to the server from the check_mk server

Thank you kindly


05-02-2019 22:22 (Europe/Amsterdam) - Avalon IT schreef:
Yes, i can do a comandline sftp -oPort=8022 user@ip from the check_mk server. It will connect normally

Since the Check_MK rule will work when i change the port of the sftp server back to 22, it must have something to do with the port

It is specified in the rule values though: IP, user, Password, ******,Port: 8022
