[Check_mk (english)] Unable to restore a site from classic check_mk server to the docker version

Hi Arrigo,

for one of my tests i moved a normal site to kubernetes and only done two things.

First i switched of the tmp file system with “omd config”.

The second thing was to give the running container the right site name with the environment variable “CMK_SITE_ID”.

The site_id thing you can find directly in section two with the startup options. https://checkmk.com/cms_managing_docker.html

Best regards


PS: new location for all CheckMK questions and requests - https://forum.checkmk.com


Am Fr., 6. Dez. 2019 um 15:36 Uhr schrieb Arrigo Bassino abassino@zerb.it:

I have a site with 1.5.0p23.cre version, runnig on sles11sp4 server.

I want migrate to the docker version, so I have created a new docker server (based on sles12sp4) and I have installed the 1.5.0p23.cre version of check_mk.

When I try to restore the backup of the “classic” server to the docker version, I obtain this warning:

Creating temporary filesystem /omd/sites/cmk/tmp…mount: permission denied
WARNING: Could not mount tmpfs. You may either start the container in privileged mode or use the “docker run” option “–tmpfs” to make docker do the tmpfs mount for the site.

So I have re-created the containair with --privileged option and now I can restore without any warning.

But I am still unable to connect to the administration console

The name of the orginal site was “somet” and the site in the docker environment is “cmk”, may be this a problem?

Which are the right steps to move from “classic” to docker version of checkmk?

Thank you in advance


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