Check_Mk Event Console


Can you give me a hint about text to match?
How can I get only alarmID, alarmText, AlarmState, AlarmComponent.

I tried with:

but the second group, which is alarmText return - The avg of cpu.usage_percent reaches above the threshold of 60 and below 80., BW-NOTIFICATION::alarmType.0: VM_CPU_Usage, BW-NOTIFICATION::alarmSeverity.0: major, BW-NOTIFICATION::alarmDateAndTime.0: 20210203115557143

It is catch everything between alarmText and alarmState, which is
BW-NOTIFICATION::alarmType.0: Major Congestion Threshold Exceeded,
BW-NOTIFICATION::alarmSeverity.0: major,
BW-NOTIFICATION::alarmDateAndTime.0: 20210202143354069,

How to match everything until BW-NOTIFICATION is met.

I tried with:

But will not work