Check_mk-interfaces no perfdata

With 2.0.0p2. In the beginning after a release, patch releases come in a weekly/biweekly manner. So probably next week. No promise

Thanks for the update :+1:

Good morning,
is there any update for 2.0.0p2 - or would it be better to downgrade again?
if64 is fetching perfdata at the moment - but the graph´s are wrong.


Can you show what is wrong. On my network devices monitored with if64 the data looks good.


looks correct - but then we got an 3GBit WAN Interface :slight_smile:

and at the end - we have an 33Gbit WAN Link

would be fine… but I know, only 1 GBit is possible

This is another problem - as you see it occurs every twelve hours over the last 5 days.
Now it happens not or only one time. This is more a problem of the network device and the reported counters.

OK thank you. will wait a few days and monitore this.

I would also try to decrease the check interval - it looks like 5 minutes why?
If you look also at your 4 hour graph you see very strange traffic pattern. Every 10 to 20 minutes the same pattern.

what interval would you sugest?

Checks where you monitor network traffic should be 1 minute. Only if the switch takes to long to answer my queries i go to 2 minutes. But normally only 1 minute is acceptable for network monitoring.

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There was an old rule for some snmp devices, so the check intervall was 5 minutes. Have deactivated the rule - so the default intervall from 1 minute shold take place.

Thank you

Hi Andreas,

just to update, the issue with perfgraph is now gone since I changed the check interval - Thank you!

BR Gerald

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