Check_MK upgrading (1.5.0p7.cee -> current stable 1.6.0p*)

Hi again,
Something else came to mind while I was re-reading the upgrade guide. Nothing is mentioned about the Check_MK config (I mean the config we have done via the web - WATO - adding checks, hosts, devices). After the upgrade, we will not have to add the hosts and the devices again, right? I do understand that there may be some “incompatible werks”, that we will have to work on. But the expectation is that the checks will be there, the users/mail groups, etc will be there also? The main functionality will stay mainly unaffected and functional? And then it is up to us, to start building up and using the new functionalities and optimizations that the new version is providing.


Yeah - already started reading on how to do it with puppet.