Check_MK website not loading after Authentication

Hi All
hoping you could help me.

Let me start with I am a complete check_mk and Linux n00b!

I have managed to install check_mk onto a Centos server and I can access the login screen, however when I attempt to log in using the cmkadmin account, the screen just refreshes, no error, no authentication failed, it’s just not loading the webpage after authentication.

Have I done/am I doing something wrong?

thanks in advance.


Can you run this from command line :

omd status

Check if everything is running if not :

omd restart

Did you disabled selinux on your CentOS? To do this, go to /etc/selinux/config and substitute “permissive” with “disabled”.

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Hi Christian,

Could you please tell me the commands required to complete this?


Hi Tavanez,

I ram OM status and everything seems to be running.



setenforce 0

perm just do what @ChristianM mentioned

selinux is now disabled, however this has not changed the outcome

As a beginner CentOS is a bad selection. There are all security settings active you can find in a modern Linux. That’s not bad by itself but will not help if you start. I would recommend Debian or Ubuntu for starters and first tests. But this is only my opinion.

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Just delete and create a new site, should do the trick

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