CheckMK Agent not working on vSphere Server, when vSphere Plugin not working

Dear all,

we use the CheckMK Version 1.6.0p13.


You can see in the screenshots that the local disks, CPU & RAM not give any informations, the agent-output in Diagnostic is empty (see image on “Second Image” Post).

OMD[syzygy]:~$ cmk --debug -vv VC01

    [cpu_tracking] Start with phase 'busy'
    Check_MK version 1.6.0p13
    Try aquire lock on /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/counters/VC01
    Got lock on /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/counters/VC01
    Releasing lock on /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/counters/VC01
    Released lock on /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/counters/VC01
    Loading autochecks from /omd/sites/syzygy/var/check_mk/autochecks/

    [cpu_tracking] Push phase 'ds' (Stack: ['busy'])
     [special_vsphere] No persisted sections loaded
     [special_vsphere] Not using cache (Don't try it)
     [special_vsphere] Execute data source
     [special_vsphere] Calling external program         "/omd/sites/syzygy/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere  -u 'username' -s '********' -i hostsystem,virtualmachine,datastore,counters,licenses --agent -P --spaces underscore --timeout 60 --no-cert-check '*********'"

     [special_vsphere] Write data to cache file /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/cache/VC01
    Try aquire lock on /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/cache/VC01
    Got lock on /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/cache/VC01
    Releasing lock on /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/cache/VC01
    Released lock on /omd/sites/syzygy/tmp/check_mk/cache/VC01
    [cpu_tracking] Pop phase 'ds' (Stack: ['busy', 'ds'])
    [cpu_tracking] Push phase 'agent' (Stack: ['busy'])
     [piggyback] No persisted sections loaded
     [piggyback] Execute data source
    No piggyback files for 'VC01'. Skip processing.
    No piggyback files for '**********'. Skip processing.
    [cpu_tracking] Pop phase 'agent' (Stack: ['busy', 'agent'])
    [cpu_tracking] End
    CRIT - [special_vsphere] Version: unknown, OS: unknown, Got no information from host, execution time 2.6 sec | execution_time=2.625 user_time=0.470 system_time=0.030 children_user_time=0.080 children_system_time=0.020 cmk_time_ds=2.033 cmk_time_agent=0.001

Any ideas why we are not getting the local hardware informations, when the vSphere Plugin is not working?


Second Image

HI @syzygyde

Are you using a vCenter Appliance? or an Windows Server with vSphere server installed?
Which version of vSphere Server are you on?


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