Checkmk agent Red hat 5.8 fail install

Hi, i have a red hat 5.8 and when i try to install the agent, it show a error.

Package check-mk-agent-1.6.0p18-1.noarch.rpm is not signed

I have read that this version only support red hat 6.0 or higher.
Can i install a older version of agent ??
Thanks in advance

On the agents page for checkmk, you can try manually installing the Check_MK Agent for Linux script. You’d just have to have the /usr/lib/check_mk_agent directory and subdirs with the agent shell script as /usr/bin/check_mk_agent.

If you have other hosts, you can do an rpm -q -l check-mk-agent and pretty much figure out where things go. (service setup, etc)


hh. Thanks for response.
I followed the instructions .
I launched the command. rpm -q -l check-mk-agent

Copy the files and create the directories.
Restart the xinetd service.
And it works.

Thank you very much.

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