Checkmk goes Ansible

This is our first breaking release after the collection renaming. :bomb:

The breaking changes are:

  • Aliases in module options that were deprecated for some time now, have been removed. This includes the following:
    • host module:
      • host_name (use name instead)
    • host_group module:
      • host_group_name (use name instead)
      • host_groups (use groups instead)
    • rule module:
      • folder (use location instead)
  • With Werk 15888 a change was introduced in Checkmk 2.2.0p7 that affects the way the folder module works in a breaking way. You will get a warning, if your Checkmk site is older than Checkmk 2.2.0p7 and an error if it is on 2.2.0p7 or newer, if the following applies: You used more than one of the following options in a single module call: attributes, update_attributes and remove_attributes. Moving forward, these are mutually exclusive and should not be used together.

Apart from these breaking changes a lot of work went into the CI infrastructure once again.