Checkmk goes Ansible

Now, this is a big one. Seriously, we have two breaking changes and a new lookup plugin in this release. So strap in and let’s dive. :ocean:

Release 4.0.0 contains - among other things:

  • Standardized variable names. For the up-to-date format see → Style Guide → Roles and Playbooks. As most of these are used internally, most of you should not feel an impact. However, if you hook into any of the variables from e.g., your inventory or extra-vars, double-check the variable names and align them with e.g., using the defaults/main.yml of the role you use.
  • A reworked agent role structure. We consider this a breaking change, as things might be broken for your use case, but we did our very best in testing. So the change should be seamless, and you should not see any changes in the behavior of the role. Nevertheless, we urge you to test the new release before running it in production (as you should always do).
  • Support for Ansible 2.16.0.
  • @Max was on fire this release and added not only the bakery_lookup plugin, but also the following improvements. :fire:
  • Improved error handling for the lookup API. :wrench:
  • Proper support for the redirect option in the activation module. This also gets rid of a nasty workaround in the agent role, where we had to wait for a fixed amount of time, to make sure the activation finished. Now the role can continue, once it gets confirmation of successful activation. :+1:

If you need help, reach out here in the forum, using the ansible tag or if you found an issue, open a report on GitHub.