Checkmk goes Ansible

Right before the holidays, we have a little present for you. :gift:


The Checkmk Ansible Collection 4.1.0! :tada:

Notable changes:

  • @lars.getwan added nearly a handful of new lookup modules for rules and rulesets! :scroll::male_detective:
  • @Max fixed a bug with the password module, which forced the user to provide non-required parameters, and also improved error handling. :hammer_and_wrench:
  • We moved our local test VMs from VirtualBox to KVM/QEMU and added a Makefile. This is probably not as relevant for you reading along, but it makes our development process easier. And maybe for those of you, who do contribute code, it might be worth to take a look there. :eyes:

That being said, happy holidays everyone! :christmas_tree: :fireworks:
Enjoy some time off if you can and spend some time with your loved ones, friends, and family. :hugs:
See you on the other side! :wave: