Checkmk goes Ansible

New year, new Ansible Collection release! :partying_face:

4.2.0 has just been published. And we got some goodies in this one:

  • @Max rewrote the tag_group module entirely and ported it to the new collection API. He also added support to use the help and repair options. :muscle:
  • A joint effort by @marcel.arentz, @lars.getwan and @Max enabled a rewrite of the user module and migration to the new collection API. The rewrite also enabled some additional options, which were not available before. :person_curly_hair::+1:
  • @meni2029 fixed an issue with idempotency in the rule module. Thanks! :pray:
  • mueller-ma fixed an issue in the agent role. Way to go! :metal:
  • We improved the speed of the server role by skipping unnecessary downloads.

While the impact on your use cases should be nearly unnoticeable, we are still very happy with this release, as it moves us forward in the journey to more efficient code. We hope you enjoy this release and we can’t wait to see what the next one brings. Stay tuned and have a wonderful start into 2024! :four_leaf_clover: