Checkmk goes Ansible

4.3.0 has just been published. :tada:

While there are a lot of changes that only affect our CI and testing, there are some things to point out nevertheless:

  • @lars.getwan added the parameter rule_id to the rule module, enabling targeting of specific ruled for modification or deletion. :identification_card:
  • @Max fixed a bug in the user module, where an absent user was created in case the reset_password option was used. :beetle:
  • @lars.getwan also fixed an issue with idempotency in the folder module. :file_folder:
  • @sekania added a nifty feature, that enables usage of environment variables, inventory variables or variables put in ansible.cfg by the lookup modules. This way you do not need to provide authentication on every lookup module call. :partying_face: Refer to the module documentation for further details. :scroll:
  • @sekania made the folder module even more powerful by enabling extended attribute management. :muscle: Refer to the module documentation for further details. :scroll:
  • @sekania (three times in a row, impressive dude! :muscle:) fixed an issue with setting parents on hosts and folders, where a single parent provided as a string would be chopped into single characters. :axe:

That concludes today’s release. Maybe an issue, that has been bugging you as well was fixed, maybe you love the new functionality. One way or another, I hope you like this release. :blush:
It was certainly a piece of work. :muscle: