Checkmk goes Ansible

Wow, time flies, we are already past Easter. :nest_with_eggs: :rabbit2:
It has been two months, since the last release, and while my colleagues and I enjoyed some well deserved vacation, the community was buzzing. :honeybee:

So without further ado: Say hi to the Checkmk Ansible Collection 4.4.0! :wave:

The most notable changes in this release:

  • @sekania rewrote the host module entirely, porting it to the new collection API, enabling check mode and adding support for cluster hosts. Great job! :muscle:
  • @sekania also updated the way the host module handles host attributes. Please refer to the official documentation for more details. :bulb:
  • @sekania also fixed two bugs in the folder module. One was about the handling of uppercase and lowercase names, the other one about the name argument being ignored entirely. :hammer_and_wrench:

@sekania scored a hat-trick with this one, if you allow the soccer reference. :soccer:
Thanks a ton for the continuous contributions! :pray: