Checkmk upgrade


I also did this some time ago, but only the slaves were on virt. Appliance and the master on normal Debian.

Why move away from the appliance?
But I can’t say much about it and I can’t give a recommendation, there are certainly many people here who can say more about it.

It probably also depends on how big the environment is.
It should be possible to switch from the appliance to normal virtual Linux with a backup. But you still have to do a complete upgrade.

If you can do without your data and configurations, you could also completely rebuild it with a current version.

It is important to work through all versions.
And of course follow the appropriate upgrade instructions for the different versions.
1.6 → 2.0,
2.0 → 2.1,
2.1 → 2.2
As some outdated things are removed or certain points change. It is important to make backups! And it is best to carry out update tests with copies. And fix everything that is criticized bit by bit (possibly already on the productive version) and do another upgrade test with a new copy until there are no more complaints and the upgrade has run smoothly. Do this with every upgrade.

It’s a bit of work. Especially all the rework.
Agent upgrade and registering the agents…

Happe Upgrading :wink:

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