CheckMK v2.2 - custom checks

If you dig into the checkmk agent (/usr/bin/check_mk_agent), you’ll find the function section_df() that collects the data.

Here is an excerpt:

section_df() {
    excludefs="-x smbfs -x cifs -x iso9660 -x udf -x nfsv4 -x nfs -x mvfs -x prl_fs -x squashfs -x devtmpfs"
    echo '<<<df_v2>>>'
    df -PTlk ${excludefs} | sed 1d

    # df inodes information
    echo '[df_inodes_start]'
    df -PTli ${excludefs} | sed 1d
    echo '[df_inodes_end]'

    if inpath lsblk; then
        echo "[df_lsblk_start]"
        lsblk --list --paths --output NAME,UUID
        echo "[df_lsblk_end]"

So yes, it’s basically a df -T but with some extra options.