Cmk-agent-ctl segmentation fault on Rocky Linux 9


i had the same problem and did some troubleshooting.

Setting SELinux to permissive with setenforce 0 and looking into the logs with journalctl -f -t setroubleshoot gave me the following output:

Note: The package setroubleshoot-server must be present on the system. dnf install setroubleshoot-server

SELinux is preventing /usr/bin/cmk-agent-ctl from execmod access on the file /usr/bin/cmk-agent-ctl.                                                                            
*****  Plugin catchall_boolean (89.3 confidence) suggests   ******************                                                                                                  
If you want to allow selinuxuser to execmod
Then you must tell SELinux about this by enabling the 'selinuxuser_execmod' boolean.                                                                                            
setsebool -P selinuxuser_execmod 1
*****  Plugin catchall (11.6 confidence) suggests   **************************                                                                                                  
If you believe that cmk-agent-ctl should be allowed execmod access on the cmk-agent-ctl file by default.
Then you should report this as a bug.
You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.                                                                                                                    
allow this access for now by executing:
# ausearch -c 'cmk-agent-ctl' --raw | audit2allow -M my-cmkagentctl           
# semodule -X 300 -i my-cmkagentctl.pp

After setting setsebool -P selinuxuser_execmod 1 the agent works flawlessly.

Root Cause:
RedHat changed the default value of the selinuxuser_execmod SELinux Boolean with RHEL 9.

If you search for selinuxuser_execmod on the following page you will find the notice with a reference to the bugzilla entrie.
