CMK RE host printer down OK, but services still alert

I’m using CMK RE 1.6.0p13, and following through the beginner’s guide to Checkmk , but experiencing issues trying to configure services for a host (printer) that is allowed to go down.

Repeating the steps in section 5.7. Hosts which are allowed to go DOWN, I’ve successfully added a “Host Check Command” rule and set it to “Always assume host to be up”. This works as expected, and host alerts do not trip when the printer is powered off.

Unfortunately, creating rules for network connection problems and timeout issues in the “Status of the Check_MK services” ruleset, does not prevent service alerts from going off.

How may I configure hosts and services that are OK to be down with CMK RE?

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I had some more time to explore this issue, and it does not appear to be RE specific.

I repeated the steps of cms_intro 5.7 with two freshly installed sites of 1.6.0p14 CRE and CEE.demo. When a monitored host is powered off, both versions raise a Service “Check_MK” alert and a pile of stale services.

Sample Status Detail messages for the alerts are:

  • agent-less, SNMP host
    "CRIT - [snmp] SNMP Error on hplj: SNMP query timed out after 4 tries within 4.00 seconds, Got no information from host, execution time 4.0 sec "
  • CMK agent host
    “CRIT - [agent] Communication failed: [Errno 113] No route to host, Got no information from host, execution time 3.1 sec”

I’m pretty sure I have both the host check and CMK services check rules configured correctly.
For now I’m still reading through alerts documentation and testing.

Does anyone else have a working configuration to monitor hosts that regularly “randomly” power-down?

You need to configure your CMK service to be allowed to have connection problems.
To important rule is “Status of the Check_MK services”
For your printers i would do settings like the following.

Then you should have no error if the printer is turned off.

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