CRIT alarm from postfix instance

Just setup an new server where I again run check_mk_raw as a docker container. Now using Checkmk Raw Edition 2.1.0p30 (site and agent) and still getting this critical error. Really seems to be reproducible. Any help here?

This might be due to Allow access to /proc/PID/exe by default · Issue #40713 · moby/moby · GitHub - attempting to ls the symlink even as root within the container gives me: ls: cannot read symbolic link ‘/proc/<pid>/exe’: Permission denied

Adding the SYS_PTRACE capability to the container resolves this, but this may present security issues and probably requires additional seccomp config to secure, which I have no idea about.

Perhaps there’s an alternative method of process detection that the agent can fall back to if /proc/<pid>/exe doesn’t work?

Having same problem, I set the mail host to be localhost (which is running postfix in parent container) and I get this crit alert.