Dantel Webmon Matrix SNMP Plugin

It seems to be accurate to me

OMD[cvt]:~/local/lib/check_mk/base/plugins/agent_based$ snmpwalk -v2c -c public 192.168.xxx.xxx .
iso. = STRING: "WebMon Matrix"

I also attempted to switch the code to “contains” and “matches” but none of them seem to get checkmk to trigger the plugin until I used “exist” and then it is now working and doing the discovery inside of checkmk gui.

I switched to a vendor specific OID so it didn’t map on anything that had a sysdesc (which would have been like all) and this works

detect = exists("."),

Any thoughts on why something like this below wouldn’t work? Based on the snmpwalk I showed above it should work just fine.

detect = contains(".", "WebMon"),