DNS-Check Dualstack Problem


I have a problem with my DNS Check after enabling IPv6 on my DNS-Servers. Now the check is always failing and I have no idea how to configure it correctly.

here is a link to the second image


Looks like the order in the respionse is different from what the check expects. I’m afraid that check is not very flexible.

If the response you receive is OK, then you can enter that exact string in the config field as the expected response: Use a single field, enter the IPv6 address and the IPv4 address in the required order, separated by a comma.

If you haven’t yet: turn on the inline help (the book symbol on the top right of the screen)


Hi Martin,

thank you for the hint. At the moment it’s working, but I’m not completely sure if it’s always the same order. I do this check against two different Nameservers. On one server the order is v4,v6 and on the other one v6,v4.


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