Dynamic Configuration Connection: two options with identical (and unclear) descriptions

When editing a dynamic configuration connection in 1.6.0p11 I face the following options:

Screenshot from 2020-04-04 19-20-38

the last two of which have the same description. I checked the corresponding WATO plugin (~/lib/python/cmk/gui/cee/plugins/wato/dcd.py) and found this corresponding code snippet:

        _("Keep hosts while piggyback source sends piggyback data only for other hosts for" ),
    forth=lambda p: 3600 if p == "global" else p),
     "Keep hosts while piggyback source sends piggyback data only for other hosts for"

Maybe someone can tell me the correct titles for the two options. I reckon the first one should indicate how long a dynamically created host is kept if no more piggyback data for it arrives (default=1hr) but what about the second one? Unfortunately the manual doesn’t help either because it shows a completely different screenshot for these settings.

Thank you in advance

I think I got it: the first option applies if the source of the piggyback data doesn’t send no piggyback data at all (for no host) while the second option applies if only some piggyback data (for some hosts) has vanished.

Simply put, the first option handles disappearing ESX servers while the second one handles disappearing VMs.

Still, the options are labelled erroneously.


I think this is correct what you found.
If i remember it correctly then the description was different some versions before. As it is enterprise feature we cannot have a look at the git repo to find the commit :wink:


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