E-Mail SMTP Relay Server

Dear Community,

i am currently struggeling finding the right place to set up the E-Mail notifications.

I’ve found a rule to send mails, but no rule or setting to set the mail server or any credentials for it.

The only solution i have found, was to install a mailserver software on my monitoring server but i allready have one in my network and don’t need a second.

On your monitoring server you don’t need a “mail server” only an mail transfer agent “MTA”.
Most default Linux installations have something like that on board.
If it is nullmailer, postfix or sendmail is not so important.
How does your local system deliver mails?

since i’ve never modified this option, it should be the default of my Debian server.

Do i have to configure this agent in my linux shell?

EDIT: Following some instructions from the internet, i don’t have Exim4 installed.
I am using an enterprise appliance, does someone know which agent is used in there?

Yes you have to configure your “Exim” with the correct forwarding to your normal internal mail server.
For Exim i don’t know what to do :slight_smile:


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