ERROR: Duplicate service description (auto check) 'CPU utilization'

CMK version: CheckMK Enterprise Edition 2.1.0
OS version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Error message:

WARNING: ERROR: Duplicate service description (auto check) 'CPU utilization' for host 'modata'!
 - 1st occurrence: check plugin / item: cpu_utilization_os / None
 - 2nd occurrence: check plugin / item: kernel_util / None

Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)

OMD[mysite]:~$ cmk --debug -vvn modata
Checkmk version 2.1.0
Try license usage history update.
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/license_usage/next_run
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/license_usage/next_run
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/license_usage/history.json
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/license_usage/history.json
Next run time has not been reached yet. Abort.
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/license_usage/history.json
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/license_usage/history.json
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/license_usage/next_run
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/license_usage/next_run
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.TCP
[cpu_tracking] Start [7fd284379fd0]
[TCPFetcher] Fetch with cache settings: DefaultAgentFileCache(modata, base_path=/omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/cache, max_age=MaxAge(checking=0, discovery=120, inventory=120), disabled=False, use_outdated=False, simulation=False)
Not using cache (Too old. Age is 3 sec, allowed is 0 sec)
[TCPFetcher] Execute data source
Connecting via TCP to (5.0s timeout)
Detected transport protocol: TransportProtocol.TLS (b'16')
Reading data from agent via TLS socket
Reading data from agent
Detected transport protocol: TransportProtocol.PLAIN (b'<<')
Write data to cache file /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/cache/modata
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/cache/modata
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/cache/modata
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/cache/modata
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/cache/modata
Closing TCP connection to
[cpu_tracking] Stop [7fd284379fd0 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.009999999999999787, system=0.010000000000000009, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=2.5700000002980232))]
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.PIGGYBACK
[cpu_tracking] Start [7fd284379eb0]
[PiggybackFetcher] Fetch with cache settings: NoCache(modata, base_path=/omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/data_source_cache/piggyback, max_age=MaxAge(checking=0, discovery=120, inventory=120), disabled=True, use_outdated=False, simulation=False)
Not using cache (Cache usage disabled)
[PiggybackFetcher] Execute data source
Piggyback file '/omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/piggyback/modata/pve': Successfully processed from source 'pve'
No piggyback files for ''. Skip processing.
Not using cache (Cache usage disabled)
[cpu_tracking] Stop [7fd284379eb0 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.0, system=0.0, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.0))]
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.TCP
<<<check_mk>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<cmk_agent_ctl_status:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<checkmk_agent_plugins_lnx:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<labels:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<df>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<df>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<systemd_units>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<nfsmounts>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<cifsmounts>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<mounts>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<ps_lnx>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<mem>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<cpu>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<uptime>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<lnx_if>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<lnx_if:sep(58)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<tcp_conn_stats>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<multipath>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<diskstat>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<kernel>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<md>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<vbox_guest>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<job>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<timesyncd>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<local:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<check_mk:cached(1653896182,10800)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<apt:cached(1653896186,10800):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_info:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_info:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_disk_usage:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_disk_usage:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_images:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_images:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_network:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_network:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_node_name:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_node_name:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_status:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_status:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_labels:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_labels:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_network:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_network:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_mem:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_mem:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_cpu:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_cpu:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_diskstat:cached(1653897623,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_diskstat:cached(1653897623,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
No persisted sections
  -> Add sections: ['apt', 'check_mk', 'checkmk_agent_plugins_lnx', 'cifsmounts', 'cmk_agent_ctl_status', 'cpu', 'df', 'diskstat', 'docker_container_cpu', 'docker_container_diskstat', 'docker_container_labels', 'docker_container_mem', 'docker_container_network', 'docker_container_node_name', 'docker_container_status', 'docker_node_disk_usage', 'docker_node_images', 'docker_node_info', 'docker_node_network', 'job', 'kernel', 'labels', 'lnx_if', 'local', 'md', 'mem', 'mounts', 'multipath', 'nfsmounts', 'ps_lnx', 'systemd_units', 'tcp_conn_stats', 'timesyncd', 'uptime', 'vbox_guest']
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.PIGGYBACK
<<<proxmox_ve_vm_info:cached(1653897968,90):sep(0)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<proxmox_ve_mem_usage:cached(1653897968,90):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<proxmox_ve_vm_backup_status:cached(1653897968,90):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<proxmox_ve_vm_snapshot_age:cached(1653897968,90):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<labels:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
No persisted sections
  -> Add sections: ['labels', 'proxmox_ve_mem_usage', 'proxmox_ve_vm_backup_status', 'proxmox_ve_vm_info', 'proxmox_ve_vm_snapshot_age']
Received no piggyback data
Received no piggyback data
[cpu_tracking] Start [7fd2842911f0]
value store: synchronizing
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/counters/modata
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/counters/modata
value store: loading from disk
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/counters/modata
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/counters/modata
APT Updates          No updates pending for installation
CPU load             15 min load: 0.09, 15 min load per core: 0.02 (4 cores)
CPU utilization      PEND - No time difference
CPU utilization      Total CPU: 12.12%
Check_MK Agent       Version: 2.1.0, OS: linux, Last update: May 30 2022 08:50:37, Agent plugins: 5, Local checks: 6
Disk IO SUMMARY      Read: 0.00 B/s, Write: 89.3 kB/s, Latency: 205 microseconds
Docker container status Container running on node modata
Docker containers    Containers: 1, Running: 1, Paused: 0, Stopped: 0
Docker disk usage - buildcache Size: 0.00 B, Reclaimable: 0.00 B, Count: 0, Active: 0
Docker disk usage - containers Size: 5.00 B, Reclaimable: 0.00 B, Count: 1, Active: 1
Docker disk usage - images Size: 1.33 GB, Reclaimable: 0.00 B, Count: 1, Active: 1
Docker disk usage - volumes Size: 0.00 B, Reclaimable: 0.00 B, Count: 0, Active: 0
Docker node info     Daemon running on host modata
DockerContainer modata CPU 3.8% // MEM 2.9 GiB (37.87%), Util: 3.80, Mem used: 3157639168.00, Mem used percent: 37.87, Uptime: 403951.00, Cache generated 5 minutes 48 seconds ago, cache interval: 5 minutes 0 seconds, elapsed cache lifespan: 116.12%
Filesystem /         40.74% used (15.19 of 37.27 GB), trend: +85.66 kB / 24 hours - time left until disk full: more than a year
Filesystem /boot     18.54% used (360.67 MB of 1.90 GB), trend: 0.00 B / 24 hours
Interface 2          [ens18], (up), MAC: AE:4F:BE:53:5B:AA, Speed: unknown, In: 9.09 kB/s, Out: 68.0 kB/s
Job modata_backup    Item not found in monitoring data
Logrotation          Rotation as expected
Memory               Total virtual memory: 19.97% - 2.35 GB of 11.76 GB
Memory used          RAM: 28.17% - 2.19 GiB of 7.76 GiB
Mount options of /   Mount options exactly as expected
Mount options of /boot Mount options exactly as expected
Proxmox VE VM Backup Status Age: 9 hours 17 minutes, Server local start time: 2022-05-30 00:48:29+02:00, Duration: 21 seconds, Bandwidth: 74.6 MB/s
Reboot               OK
Systemd Service Summary Total: 147, Disabled: 2, Failed: 1
Systemd Timesyncd Time Offset: 78 microseconds, Time since last sync: 31 minutes 20 seconds, Stratum: 2.00, Jitter: Jan 01 1970 01:00:00, Synchronized on 2001:67c:1560:8003::c8
UFW                  running
Uptime               Up since May 25 2022 19:44:36, Uptime: 4 days 14 hours
 aruba_wlc_aps: skipped (no data)
 aruba_wlc_aps: skipped (no data)
 check_mk: ok
 check_mk: skipped (no data)
 checkmk_agent_plugins: ok
 checkmk_agent_plugins: skipped (no data)
 docker_node_info: ok
 docker_node_info: skipped (no data)
 fritz: skipped (no data)
 fritz: skipped (no data)
 hp_proliant_da_phydrv: skipped (no data)
 hp_proliant_da_phydrv: skipped (no data)
 hp_proliant_mem: skipped (no data)
 hp_proliant_mem: skipped (no data)
 ibm_mq_channels: skipped (no data)
 ibm_mq_channels: skipped (no data)
 ibm_mq_managers: skipped (no data)
 ibm_mq_managers: skipped (no data)
 ibm_mq_queues: skipped (no data)
 ibm_mq_queues: skipped (no data)
 ipmi_firmware: skipped (no data)
 ipmi_firmware: skipped (no data)
 inv_cisco_vlans: skipped (no data)
 inv_cisco_vlans: skipped (no data)
 inv_esx_vsphere_hostsystem: skipped (no data)
 inv_esx_vsphere_hostsystem: skipped (no data)
 inv_if: ok
 inv_if: skipped (no data)
 aix_packages: skipped (no data)
 aix_packages: skipped (no data)
 aix_service_packs: skipped (no data)
 aix_service_packs: skipped (no data)
 inventory_checkmk: skipped (no data)
 inventory_checkmk: skipped (no data)
 checkpoint_vpn_tunnels: skipped (no data)
 checkpoint_vpn_tunnels: skipped (no data)
 dmidecode: skipped (no data)
 dmidecode: skipped (no data)
 docker_container_labels: ok
 docker_container_labels: skipped (no data)
 docker_container_network: ok
 docker_container_network: skipped (no data)
 docker_node_images: ok
 docker_node_images: skipped (no data)
 docker_node_network: ok
 docker_node_network: skipped (no data)
 inventory_esx_vsphere_clusters: skipped (no data)
 inventory_esx_vsphere_clusters: skipped (no data)
 inventory_esx_vsphere_virtual_machines: skipped (no data)
 inventory_esx_vsphere_virtual_machines: skipped (no data)
 fortiauthenticator_system: skipped (no data)
 fortiauthenticator_system: skipped (no data)
 fortigate_ha: skipped (no data)
 fortigate_ha: skipped (no data)
 fortimail_system: skipped (no data)
 fortimail_system: skipped (no data)
 fortisandbox_software: skipped (no data)
 fortisandbox_software: skipped (no data)
 fortisandbox_system: skipped (no data)
 fortisandbox_system: skipped (no data)
 k8s_assigned_pods: skipped (no data)
 k8s_assigned_pods: skipped (no data)
 k8s_daemon_pod_containers: skipped (no data)
 k8s_daemon_pod_containers: skipped (no data)
 k8s_endpoint_info: skipped (no data)
 k8s_endpoint_info: skipped (no data)
 k8s_ingress_infos: skipped (no data)
 k8s_ingress_infos: skipped (no data)
 k8s_job_container: skipped (no data)
 k8s_job_container: skipped (no data)
 kube_cluster: skipped (no data)
 kube_cluster: skipped (no data)
 kube_daemonset: skipped (no data)
 kube_daemonset: skipped (no data)
 kube_deployment: skipped (no data)
 kube_deployment: skipped (no data)
 kube_namespace: skipped (no data)
 kube_namespace: skipped (no data)
 kube_node: skipped (no data)
 kube_node: skipped (no data)
 kube_pod: skipped (no data)
 kube_pod: skipped (no data)
 kube_statefulset: skipped (no data)
 kube_statefulset: skipped (no data)
 lnx_block_devices: skipped (no data)
 lnx_block_devices: skipped (no data)
 lnx_ip_r: skipped (no data)
 lnx_ip_r: skipped (no data)
 lnx_packages: skipped (no data)
 lnx_packages: skipped (no data)
 lnx_sysctl: skipped (no data)
 lnx_sysctl: skipped (no data)
 lnx_video: skipped (no data)
 lnx_video: skipped (no data)
 mssql_clusters: skipped (no data)
 mssql_clusters: skipped (no data)
 oracle_systemparameter: skipped (no data)
 oracle_systemparameter: skipped (no data)
 snmp_extended_info: skipped (no data)
 snmp_extended_info: skipped (no data)
 solaris_addresses: skipped (no data)
 solaris_addresses: skipped (no data)
 solaris_pkginfo: skipped (no data)
 solaris_pkginfo: skipped (no data)
 solaris_psrinfo: skipped (no data)
 solaris_psrinfo: skipped (no data)
 solaris_cpus: skipped (no data)
 solaris_cpus: skipped (no data)
 solaris_prtpicl: skipped (no data)
 solaris_prtpicl: skipped (no data)
 solaris_routes: skipped (no data)
 solaris_routes: skipped (no data)
 statgrab_net: skipped (no data)
 statgrab_net: skipped (no data)
 win_disks: skipped (no data)
 win_disks: skipped (no data)
 win_exefiles: skipped (no data)
 win_exefiles: skipped (no data)
 win_ip_r: skipped (no data)
 win_ip_r: skipped (no data)
 win_networkadapter: skipped (no data)
 win_networkadapter: skipped (no data)
 win_reg_uninstall: skipped (no data)
 win_reg_uninstall: skipped (no data)
 win_video: skipped (no data)
 win_video: skipped (no data)
 win_wmi_software: skipped (no data)
 win_wmi_software: skipped (no data)
 win_wmi_updates: skipped (no data)
 win_wmi_updates: skipped (no data)
 juniper_info: skipped (no data)
 juniper_info: skipped (no data)
 k8s_nodes: skipped (no data)
 k8s_nodes: skipped (no data)
 k8s_pod_container: skipped (no data)
 k8s_pod_container: skipped (no data)
 k8s_roles: skipped (no data)
 k8s_roles: skipped (no data)
 lnx_if: ok
 lnx_if: skipped (no data)
 mem: ok
 mem: skipped (no data)
 mem_used: ok
 mem_used: skipped (no data)
 mssql_instance: skipped (no data)
 mssql_instance: skipped (no data)
 netapp_api_disk: skipped (no data)
 netapp_api_disk: skipped (no data)
 oracle_dataguard_stats: skipped (no data)
 oracle_dataguard_stats: skipped (no data)
 oracle_instance: skipped (no data)
 oracle_instance: skipped (no data)
 oracle_performance: skipped (no data)
 oracle_performance: skipped (no data)
 oracle_recovery_area: skipped (no data)
 oracle_recovery_area: skipped (no data)
 oracle_tablespaces: skipped (no data)
 oracle_tablespaces: skipped (no data)
 perle_chassis_slots: skipped (no data)
 perle_chassis_slots: skipped (no data)
 perle_psmu: skipped (no data)
 perle_psmu: skipped (no data)
 snmp_info: skipped (no data)
 snmp_info: skipped (no data)
 winperf_if: skipped (no data)
 winperf_if: skipped (no data)
 aix_baselevel: skipped (no data)
 aix_baselevel: skipped (no data)
 aix_lparstat_inventory: skipped (no data)
 aix_lparstat_inventory: skipped (no data)
 allnet_ip_sensoric: skipped (no data)
 allnet_ip_sensoric: skipped (no data)
 citrix_controller: skipped (no data)
 citrix_controller: skipped (no data)
 citrix_state: skipped (no data)
 citrix_state: skipped (no data)
 couchbase_nodes_ports: skipped (no data)
 couchbase_nodes_ports: skipped (no data)
 dell_hw_info: skipped (no data)
 dell_hw_info: skipped (no data)
 docker_container_node_name: ok
 docker_container_node_name: skipped (no data)
 esx_systeminfo: skipped (no data)
 esx_systeminfo: skipped (no data)
 fireeye_sys_status: skipped (no data)
 fireeye_sys_status: skipped (no data)
 hp_proliant_systeminfo: skipped (no data)
 hp_proliant_systeminfo: skipped (no data)
 infoblox_osinfo: skipped (no data)
 infoblox_osinfo: skipped (no data)
 infoblox_systeminfo: skipped (no data)
 infoblox_systeminfo: skipped (no data)
 k8s_pod_info: skipped (no data)
 k8s_pod_info: skipped (no data)
 k8s_selector: skipped (no data)
 k8s_selector: skipped (no data)
 k8s_service_info: skipped (no data)
 k8s_service_info: skipped (no data)
 lnx_cpuinfo: skipped (no data)
 lnx_cpuinfo: skipped (no data)
 lnx_distro: skipped (no data)
 lnx_distro: skipped (no data)
 lnx_uname: skipped (no data)
 lnx_uname: skipped (no data)
 lparstat_aix: skipped (no data)
 lparstat_aix: skipped (no data)
 netapp_api_info: skipped (no data)
 netapp_api_info: skipped (no data)
 perle_chassis: skipped (no data)
 perle_chassis: skipped (no data)
 prtconf: skipped (no data)
 prtconf: skipped (no data)
 snmp_os: skipped (no data)
 snmp_os: skipped (no data)
 snmp_quantum_storage_info: skipped (no data)
 snmp_quantum_storage_info: skipped (no data)
 solaris_prtdiag: skipped (no data)
 solaris_prtdiag: skipped (no data)
 solaris_uname: skipped (no data)
 solaris_uname: skipped (no data)
 suseconnect: skipped (no data)
 suseconnect: skipped (no data)
 win_bios: skipped (no data)
 win_bios: skipped (no data)
 win_computersystem: skipped (no data)
 win_computersystem: skipped (no data)
 win_cpuinfo: skipped (no data)
 win_cpuinfo: skipped (no data)
 win_os: skipped (no data)
 win_os: skipped (no data)
 win_system: skipped (no data)
 win_system: skipped (no data)

Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/modata
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/modata
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/modata
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/modata
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/modata.gz
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/modata.gz
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/modata.gz
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/modata.gz
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/.last
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/.last
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/.last
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/status_data/.last
Piggyback file '/omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/piggyback/modata/pve': Successfully processed from source 'pve'
No piggyback files for ''. Skip processing.
[cpu_tracking] Stop [7fd2842911f0 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.06999999999999984, system=0.019999999999999962, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.08999999985098839))]
[agent] Success, [piggyback] Successfully processed from source 'pve', execution time 2.7 sec | execution_time=2.660 user_time=0.080 system_time=0.030 children_user_time=0.000 children_system_time=0.000 cmk_time_agent=2.550

Hello dear CheckMK community!

The services on our host called modata have been migrated to a new Host (old Host: MSSQL installed via apt, new host: MSSQL in docker). After that I just shutdown the old modata and installed the agent + registering on the new modata (with the same name).

Since then I see the error above.

I have also tried to remove modata from CheckMK, activate changes, add modata again and I still get the error when discovering new services.

When discovering new services, I see 2 services “CPU utilization”.

CheckMK Plugins directory on modata

root@modata /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins# ls -lR
total 16
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Mai 30 10:37 10800
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Mai 30 10:37 300
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4898 Mai 22 12:26 mk_inventory

total 12940
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13244920 Mai 22 12:50 cmk-update-agent
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     1591 Mai 25 15:54 mk_apt

total 48
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22691 Mai 22 12:40
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22522 Mai 22 12:26

How do I get rid of one of these services, which one is the real one and how did I even end up with 2 identical services?

FYI modata has existed and was monitored before upgrade to CheckMK 2.1.0

Thanks in advance and with best regards,

Today I upgraded from 2.1.0p1 to 2.1.0p2 in the hopes of maybe fixing this, but it shows even in the upgrade logs :confused:

Executing update-pre-hooks script "01_mkp-disable-outdated"...OK
Updating core configuration...
Generating configuration for core (type cmc)...
Starting full compilation for all hosts Creating global helper config...OK
 Creating cmc protobuf configuration...
WARNING: ERROR: Duplicate service description (auto check) 'CPU utilization' for host 'modata'!
 - 1st occurrence: check plugin / item: cpu_utilization_os / None
 - 2nd occurrence: check plugin / item: kernel_util / None

Maybe someone had this problem or anything alike before?

What happens if you do a “cmk -vvII modata”?
If one of the services is from the old system then it should be gone after the rediscovery.

Hi andreas,

thank you for your reply!

This is the output of your requested command:

OMD[mysite]:~$ cmk -vvII modata
Discovering services and host labels on: modata
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.TCP
[cpu_tracking] Start [7f30976bfd30]
[TCPFetcher] Fetch with cache settings: DefaultAgentFileCache(modata, base_path=/omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/cache, max_age=MaxAge(checking=0, discovery=120, inventory=120), disabled=False, use_outdated=False, simulation=False)
Using data from cache file /omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/cache/modata
Got 137899 bytes data from cache
[TCPFetcher] Use cached data
[cpu_tracking] Stop [7f30976bfd30 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.0, system=0.0, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.0))]
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.PIGGYBACK
[cpu_tracking] Start [7f30976bf640]
[PiggybackFetcher] Fetch with cache settings: NoCache(modata, base_path=/omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/data_source_cache/piggyback, max_age=MaxAge(checking=0, discovery=120, inventory=120), disabled=True, use_outdated=False, simulation=False)
Not using cache (Cache usage disabled)
[PiggybackFetcher] Execute data source
Piggyback file '/omd/sites/mysite/tmp/check_mk/piggyback/modata/pve': Successfully processed from source 'pve'
No piggyback files for ''. Skip processing.
Not using cache (Cache usage disabled)
[cpu_tracking] Stop [7f30976bf640 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.0, system=0.0, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.0))]
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.TCP
<<<check_mk>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<cmk_agent_ctl_status:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<checkmk_agent_plugins_lnx:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<labels:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<df>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<df>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<systemd_units>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<nfsmounts>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<cifsmounts>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<mounts>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<ps_lnx>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<mem>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<cpu>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<uptime>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<lnx_if>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<lnx_if:sep(58)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<tcp_conn_stats>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<multipath>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<diskstat>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<kernel>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<md>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<vbox_guest>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<job>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<timesyncd>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<local:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<check_mk:cached(1654759001,10800)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<apt:cached(1654762251,10800):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_info:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_info:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_disk_usage:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_disk_usage:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_images:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_images:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_network:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_node_network:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_node_name:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_node_name:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_status:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_status:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_labels:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_labels:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_network:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_network:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_mem:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_mem:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_cpu:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_cpu:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
<<<docker_container_diskstat:cached(1654764776,300):sep(124)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<docker_container_diskstat:cached(1654764776,300):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
Transition HostSectionParser -> NOOPParser
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/persisted/modata
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/persisted/modata
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/persisted/modata
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/persisted/modata
Stored persisted sections: lnx_packages, lnx_distro, lnx_cpuinfo, dmidecode, lnx_uname, lnx_video, lnx_ip_r, lnx_sysctl, lnx_block_devices
Using persisted section SectionName('lnx_packages')
Using persisted section SectionName('lnx_distro')
Using persisted section SectionName('lnx_cpuinfo')
Using persisted section SectionName('dmidecode')
Using persisted section SectionName('lnx_uname')
Using persisted section SectionName('lnx_video')
Using persisted section SectionName('lnx_ip_r')
Using persisted section SectionName('lnx_sysctl')
Using persisted section SectionName('lnx_block_devices')
  -> Add sections: ['apt', 'check_mk', 'checkmk_agent_plugins_lnx', 'cifsmounts', 'cmk_agent_ctl_status', 'cpu', 'df', 'diskstat', 'dmidecode', 'docker_container_cpu', 'docker_container_diskstat', 'docker_container_labels', 'docker_container_mem', 'docker_container_network', 'docker_container_node_name', 'docker_container_status', 'docker_node_disk_usage', 'docker_node_images', 'docker_node_info', 'docker_node_network', 'job', 'kernel', 'labels', 'lnx_block_devices', 'lnx_cpuinfo', 'lnx_distro', 'lnx_if', 'lnx_ip_r', 'lnx_packages', 'lnx_sysctl', 'lnx_uname', 'lnx_video', 'local', 'md', 'mem', 'mounts', 'multipath', 'nfsmounts', 'ps_lnx', 'systemd_units', 'tcp_conn_stats', 'timesyncd', 'uptime', 'vbox_guest']
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.PIGGYBACK
<<<proxmox_ve_vm_info:cached(1654764958,90):sep(0)>>> / Transition NOOPParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<proxmox_ve_mem_usage:cached(1654764958,90):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<proxmox_ve_vm_backup_status:cached(1654764958,90):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<proxmox_ve_vm_snapshot_age:cached(1654764958,90):sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
<<<labels:sep(0)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser -> HostSectionParser
No persisted sections
  -> Add sections: ['labels', 'proxmox_ve_mem_usage', 'proxmox_ve_vm_backup_status', 'proxmox_ve_vm_info', 'proxmox_ve_vm_snapshot_age']
Received no piggyback data
Received no piggyback data
Trying host label discovery with: apt, check_mk, checkmk_agent_plugins_lnx, cifsmounts, cmk_agent_ctl_status, cpu, df, diskstat, dmidecode, docker_container_cpu, docker_container_labels, docker_container_mem, docker_container_network, docker_container_node_name, docker_container_status, docker_node_disk_usage, docker_node_images, docker_node_info, docker_node_network, job, kernel, labels, lnx_block_devices, lnx_cpuinfo, lnx_distro, lnx_if, lnx_ip_r, lnx_packages, lnx_sysctl, lnx_uname, lnx_video, local, md, mem, mounts, multipath, nfsmounts, proxmox_ve_mem_usage, proxmox_ve_vm_backup_status, proxmox_ve_vm_info, proxmox_ve_vm_snapshot_age, ps_lnx, systemd_units, tcp_conn_stats, timesyncd, uptime, vbox_guest
  cmk/os_family: linux (check_mk)
  cmk/docker_object: container (docker_container_status)
  cmk/docker_image: (docker_container_status)
  cmk/docker_image_name: server (docker_container_status)
  cmk/docker_image_version: 2019-CU8-ubuntu-18.04 (docker_container_status)
  cmk/docker_object: node (docker_node_info)
  cmk/device_type: vm (labels)
  cmk/piggyback_source_pve: yes (labels)
Trying host label discovery with: 
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/discovered_host_labels/
Got lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/discovered_host_labels/
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/discovered_host_labels/
Released lock on /omd/sites/mysite/var/check_mk/discovered_host_labels/
SUCCESS - Found 7 host labels
  Trying discovery with: md, proxmox_ve_mem_usage, diskstat, check_mk_only_from, kernel, nfsmounts, mssql_datafiles, tcp_conn_stats, vbox_guest, proxmox_ve_vm_info, systemd_units_services, domino_tasks, cifsmounts, local, mem_used, proxmox_ve_vm_backup_status, docker_container_status_uptime, docker_node_disk_usage, docker_node_info_containers, docker_container_status_health, timesyncd, proxmox_ve_vm_snapshot_age, systemd_units_services_summary, multipath, mssql_transactionlogs, df, mem_vmalloc, cpu_loads, uptime, docker_node_info, mem_win, cpu_utilization_os, lnx_if, kernel_performance, job, ps, apt, k8s_stats_network, cpu_threads, docker_container_status, kernel_util, checkmk_agent, mounts, mem_linux
  1 apt
  1 checkmk_agent
  1 cpu_loads
  1 cpu_threads
  1 cpu_utilization_os
  2 df
  1 diskstat
  1 docker_container_status
  4 docker_node_disk_usage
  1 docker_node_info
  1 docker_node_info_containers
  1 job
  1 kernel_performance
  1 kernel_util
  1 lnx_if
  4 local
  1 mem_linux
  1 mem_used
  2 mounts
  1 proxmox_ve_mem_usage
  1 proxmox_ve_vm_backup_status
  1 proxmox_ve_vm_info
  1 proxmox_ve_vm_snapshot_age
  1 systemd_units_services_summary
  1 tcp_conn_stats
  1 timesyncd
  1 uptime
SUCCESS - Found 35 services

I see cpu_utilization_os and kernel_util checks here. So these are the ones who interfere with each other. While looking through the CheckMK rules, I could not see where I have accidentally added both of these checks.

Do you maybe have an idea where this is coming from?

Thanks for taking the time to help me!
Best regards,

There a little bit too many services show.

We have normal agent services, proxmox vm services and docker container services.
The host “modata” what is this? Is it a docker container or a vm?
Or is it a docker container with an agent inside?

The host modata is an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS VM inside a Proxmox VE and modata hosts a docker container.
modata has got a normal CheckMK Agent installed, but we use the Proxmox VE services to determine if the daily Proxmox Backup worked.

cpu_utilization_os is normally only existing on Docker or LXC containers.
Is the name of one of the containers also “modata”?

Is the name of one of the containers also “modata”?

Yes, you are right.
I didn’t think about that one.
The container itself is not being monitored as a host on CheckMK, so i actually wouldn’t need that.

How would I remove the check cpu_utilization_os without removing the other one?

If you disable all “docker_container_…” checks for this host then also this problem should be gone.

Dear andreas,

thank you very much for your insights.

Our solution was the following:
We need to know if the docker container is running but don’t need to know anything else about it, so I wrote a local check to do that and disabled all the Docker Services like you mentioned.

Best regards,

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