Error @ updating from cmk 2.0.0 to 2.0.0p1

Ich habe nun nochmal ein Backup rausgekramt von dem Stand 1.6.0p22 und nochmal ein Upgrade auf 2.0 durchgeführt, weil ich mir nicht mehr sicher war.
Ich glaube ich habe den Fehler gefunden.

CheckMK meinte beim upgrade, das es Konflikte in der Datei etc/check_mk/ gab. ich habe mir das Diff anzeigen lassen:

--- /omd/sites/monitor1/etc/check_mk/       2017-06-01 08:51:03.000000000 +0200
+++ /omd/sites/monitor1/etc/check_mk/  2021-04-06 11:27:24.655718568 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
 # Main configuration file of Check_MK
-#We highly recommend to use WATO to configure Check_MK these days.
-snmp_default_community = "GEhEimES PASSWORT"
+# We highly recommend to use WATO to configure Check_MK these days.

Da ich damals das als unkritisch eingestuft habe, habe ich eingestellt, das er die Datei behalten soll.
Danach ist aber nicht das Skript “” gelaufen, sondern er ist abgestürzt weil er die Datei wegen einem Syntax error nicht einlesen konnte:

 Executing update-pre-hooks script "01_mkp-disable-outdated"...OK
Updating core configuration...
Cannot read in configuration file /omd/sites/monitor1/etc/check_mk/ invalid syntax (<string>, line 2)
Finished update.

Dummerweise habe ich das damals nicht gesehen -.-

Nun habe ich nochmal den Snapshot vor dem Upgrade geladen und nocheinmal das Update auf version 2.0 angestoßen aber diesmal mit der Einstellung das er die Änderrungen anwenden soll. danach ist das Skript gelaufen und nun auch ohne den ursprünglichen Fehler.

Installed default file of version 2.0.0.cre.
 * Installed link etc/rc.d/85-redis
 * Installed dir  var/redis
 * Installed dir  var/check_mk/crashes
 * Installed dir  local/lib/python3
 * Installed link local/lib/check_mk
 * Installed dir  local/lib/python3/cmk
 * Installed dir  local/lib/python3/cmk/base
 * Installed dir  local/lib/python3/cmk/base/plugins
 * Installed dir  local/lib/python3/cmk/base/plugins/agent_based
 * Keeping your   local/share/dokuwiki/htdocs
 * Keeping your   local/share/dokuwiki
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/authplain
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/authpgsql
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/extension
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/remote.php
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/indexmenu
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/cli.php
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/index.html
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/admin.php
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/safefnrecode
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/config
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/revert
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/popularity
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/action.php
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/bookcreator
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/include
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/pagelist
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/authmultisite
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/authpdo
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/dokuteaser
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/acl
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/info
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/auth.php
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/styling
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/changes
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/authmysql
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/authldap
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/authad
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/syntax.php
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/usermanager
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib/plugins
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/pages/wiki/syntax.txt
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/pages/wiki/dokuwiki.txt
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/pages/wiki/ebook.txt
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/pages/playground/playground.txt
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/pages/playground
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/pages/wiki
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/tmp/_dummy
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/cache/_dummy
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/index/_dummy
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/media/wiki/dokuwiki-128.png
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/media/wiki
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/meta/_dummy
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/locks/_dummy
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/attic/_dummy
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/_dummy
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/.htaccess
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/attic
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/locks
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/meta
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/media_attic
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/media
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/index
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/media_meta
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/cache
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/tmp
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data/pages
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/data
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki/lib
 * Keeping your   var/dokuwiki
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/local.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/mime.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/plugins.local.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/msg
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/plugins.required.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/users.auth.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/dokuwiki.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/acl.auth.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/scheme.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/apache.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/interwiki.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/mysql.conf.php.example
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/acronyms.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/smileys.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/mediameta.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/entities.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/plugins.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/local.protected.php
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/wordblock.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki/license.php
 * Vanished       etc/check_mk/conf.d/README
 * Vanished       etc/cron.d/cmk_cleanup_crashed_checks
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/jmx4perl.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/servers.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/apache/conf.d/dokuwiki.conf
 * Keeping your   etc/dokuwiki
 * Vanished       .pip/pip.conf
 * Vanished       .pip
Creating temporary filesystem /omd/sites/monitor1/tmp...OK
Executing update-pre-hooks script "02_cmk-update-config"...
-| Initializing application...
-| Loading GUI plugins...
-| Failed to load plugin /omd/sites/monitor1/local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/wato/ __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'min_len'
-| Traceback (most recent call last):
-|   File "/omd/sites/monitor1/lib/python3/cmk/gui/utils/", line 172, in load_web_plugins
-|     exec(, globalvars)
-|   File "<string>", line 28, in <module>
-| TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'min_len'
-| ERROR: Failed to load some GUI plugins. You will either have
-|        to remove or update them to be compatible with this
-|        Checkmk version.
-| Updating Checkmk configuration...
-| ATTENTION: Some steps may take a long time depending on your installation, e.g. during major upgrades.
-|  1/15 Migrate deprecated network topology dashlet...
-|  2/15 Update global settings...
-| Replacing use_inline_snmp with snmp_backend_default
-|  3/15 Rewriting WATO tags...
-|  4/15 Rewriting WATO hosts and folders...
-|  5/15 Rewriting WATO rulesets...
-| Extracting excluded SNMP sections
-| Found deprecated ruleset: non_inline_snmp_hosts
-| Replacing ruleset non_inline_snmp_hosts with snmp_backend_hosts
-|  6/15 Rewriting autochecks...
-|  7/15 Cleanup version specific caches...
-|  8/15 Migrating fs_used name...
-|  9/15 Migrate pagetype topics...
-|  10/15 Migrate LDAP connections...
-|  11/15 Rewrite BI Configuration...
-| Skipping conversion of (already done)
-|  12/15 Set version specific user attributes...
-|  13/15 Rewriting inventory data...
-| Skipping path '/omd/sites/monitor1/tmp/check_mk/status_data' (empty)
-| Finished checking for corrupt files
-| Creating file '/omd/sites/monitor1/var/check_mk/update_config/py2conversion.done'
-|  14/15 Migrate audit log...
-|  15/15 Rename discovered host label files...
-| Done
Executing update-pre-hooks script "01_mkp-disable-outdated"...OK
Updating core configuration...
Generating configuration for core (type nagios)...
WARNING: Found configured rules of deprecated check group "mssql_blocked_sessions". These rules are not used by any check. Maybe this check group has been renamed during an update, in this case you will have to migrate your configuration to the new ruleset manually. Please check out the release notes of the involved versions. You may use the page "Deprecated rules" in WATO to view your rules and move them to the new rulesets.
Precompiling host checks...Error precompiling checks for host Bad Host SNMP Backend configuration: True
Finished update.

Die beiden Fehler mit dem Plugin “sslcertificates” und wegen der deprecated Regel habe ich im Produktivsystem bereits durch ein Update des Plugins bzw. ein löschen der veralteten Regel gefixed.

Ich werde morgen mal im Produktivsystem in der Datei /omd/sites/monitor1/etc/check_mk/ die Default SNMP-Community löschen und mich melden ob danach das update auf 2.0.0p1 funktioniert.