Exclude Folder for Notification Rules

When creating a notification rule there are several options for matching only selected services or excluding services as well as matching service groups or excluding service groups.
Sadly there is only a “Matching folder” option. I would like an “Excluding Folder” option so one could select a Folder they want to activate notifications in but exclude a specific subfolder. Another option would be to select multiple Folders via the “Matching Folder” option.

Please let me know if there is a way to exclude a Subfolder without creating a seperate rule for every other folder.

Hello BaL0u and welcome to this community.

Atm there is no possible way to only select one specific folder for any kind of rules.
The best solution for this are host tags.
Is there a special reason not to create host tags based on folders/special attributes of your hosts?

Sincerely Kruzgoth

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There is an Option you can use. :slight_smile:
After the global rule, create a rule to cancel this notification. And cancel this notification only if the folder matches what you want.

1 Notification rule for folder /server
2 Cancel notitication rule for folder /server/not_important


Thank you for your answer @Kruzgoth

I wasn’t really familiar with the host tag feature until just now. After looking into it I created a special host tag for the subfolder I wanted to exclude from the notification rule and and changed it to exclude every host with the tag.

That would work as well but I decied to stick with host tag option so I can keep the number of notification rules to one and maybe use the special host tag for another purpose later on.

Thanks to you two!

We are using hosttags to accomplish this function. We have different tags for e.g. prduction and test systems and include them in the notifications rules. This method is really handy because it’s flexible. The only negative side is, you will need two notification rules if you like to have different notifications. The positive effect is to use this hosttags also in periodic notification rule to let the production systems repeat their notification every two hours but test systems only every six hours. You can also assign this tags to whole folders so you get exactly this function you like to have.

Additionally we have time frames for test systems to only send notifications during workhours and workdays. This helps to reduce the amount of notifications for on duty people and responsible administrators.

Hey BaL0u,

glad to hear that it works this way for you.
Please don’t forget to like or tag an answer as a “solution”, so that everyone can see in an instant,
that this thread is finished and we get some appreciation.

Sincerely Kruzgoth