Excluding generic Network devices from Service Discovery

We are using Check_mk to monitor our Kubernetes nodes. Unfortunately whenever a new pod is created, a generic nework-device, eg [cali0611d97dacb] (up) MAC: EE:EE:EE:EE:EE:EE, 10 Gbit/s is created.

How can I filter them from Service Discovery or create a rule that disables them by default?

Thnx in advance.

After trying around for a while I found the following solution:

I created the following rules under Monitoring Configuration/Disabled Services

  1. Negative Match, with a list of all Interfaces I want to monitor and a label matching the kubernets nodes
  2. Positive Match with a regex Interface.* and a label matching the kubernetes nodes

Imporant to note that the order is important. Now I’m not diturbed about pods starting / terminating anymore. :+1:

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More easy solution. Use the interface description as name and ignore all interfaces starting with “cali”.

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hi @andreas-doehler , how can we achieve this in CheckMK2

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Now, I want to skip these interfaces, I have used regex in option “Match interface alias (regex)” ===> ^(?!.[\cali).$,
in “Network interface and switch port discovery” Still not able to exclude it…kindly help

If i have the interfaces like shown in your screen, i manually disable one interface with the red X.
Then i scroll down to this on disabled interface.
Edit the rule and modify that all interfaces starting with cali in your case are ingored.

In my example all Interfaces starting with “e” are ignored.

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Great, that was the part missing to me, now I can use regex easily to disable these generic interfaces!

Thnx a lot!

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