Failed to execute a Full service Scan


I try yo execute a Full service Scan to update all services but after see the Updating banner at 110 seconds appears this:

Your request timed out after 110 seconds. This issue may be related to a local configuration problem or a request which works with a too large number of objects. But if you think this issue is a bug, please send a crash report.

Executed this to check all the Times:

OMD[monitor]:~$ cmk --debug -vvR | grep Time
Time needed []: 0.00 sec
Time needed [cmc_timeperiods]: 0.00 sec
Time needed [cmc_contacts]: 0.00 sec
Time needed [cmc_all_hosts]: 0.37 sec
Time needed [cmc_groups]: 0.00 sec
Time needed [cmc_groups]: 0.00 sec
Time needed [cmc_groups]: 0.00 sec
Time needed [cmc_stringlist]: 0.00 sec
Time needed [cmc_contactlists]: 0.00 sec

What exactly happend?


Hi @usermk,

this error mostly happens, when your agent or SNMP request plus parsing the result needs more than 120 seconds to complete. This is mainly seen on devices with a huge quantity of services or really long snmpwalks like stacked core switches, hosts providing a lot of piggy back data or special agents fetching massive data.
There a several rules and settings you can adjust to come around this problem depending on the checkmk version and edition you are running.
global settings:

You can run the command cmk -II -nvv <hostname> to see, where the time is spent.

  -I, --discover Make Check_MK behave as monitoring plugins that checks if an
    inventory would find new or vanished services for the host. If configured to
    do so, this will queue those hosts for automatic discover-marked-hosts

    Can be restricted to certain check types. Write '--checks df -I' if you just
    want to look for new filesystems. Use 'check_mk -L' for a list of all check
    types. Use 'tcp' for all TCP based checks and 'snmp' for all SNMP based

    -II does the same as -I but deletes all existing checks of the specified
    types and hosts.

    Additional options:

     -I, --discover      Delete existing services before starting discovery
     --checks C          Restrict discovery to certain check types
     -n, --no-submit     Do not submit results to core, do not save counters
   -v, --verbose       Enable verbose output (Use twice for more)

thanks! I’m going to check this


The rules will not help you because you run in to a hardcoded timeout in WATO.
Please see here:



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