Forum suggestions: resources & custom bbcode werk

I didn’t know what Discourse was using as parser of tag codes. I knew of existence BBCode in old fora, so named that.

Guess for Discourse it is more important to find out if you can extend the Markdown parser to have custom tag codes available. Or perhaps (mis)use GFM autolinking feature with custom code based on some fake protocol werk:14470 to change it into a link.

I assumed that when a new Checkmk release is made by github or whatever, it is giving the werk numbers as changelog export, and it is just a ‘simple’ copy paste to the forum. Turning it into links on the forum manually would create more work.

The changelog might even be autogenerated like the werk pages are. Example looks like a pretty html output version of their Github source So assuming a new werk added in Github might auto sync into a new werk on

I was mostly thinking of a cool unique feature useful for this forum, but important after all if the work, to realise it, is worth it. Not for me to decide. (-: