Forum suggestions: resources & custom bbcode werk

Hi Yggy!

For now, it is just having the links in the announcements, so you could see and get the links to werks in the forum. I am sorry if I misunderstood your main idea for this change.

The thing with BBCode is a bit complicated here. Discourse (the base platform for the forum) needs to have a special plugin enabled for BBCode – and it comes with certain risks.

First of all, once enabled, it will allow to use the BBCode in terms of formatting the text in different ways that could disrupt the way we format it now through Markdown. And the most important thing – I do not think it supports custom BBCode. But I believe, in theory, this could be implemented through the code of the forum somehow.

The issue I see here is that when we need to post werks here in posts, we still would need to look up their number – and we can at the same time get the link to the werk that is now available in the announcements category. BBCode would make the process of typing a bit easier, I agree, but I am not sure the amount of work it would require to implement it and to make sure enabling BBCode generally does not break anything might not be worth it.

It is possible I do not see some important point here, some use case that you often face – if you share I could talk to the developers who could possibly make it work. For now, I am simply not sure if I could make a strong enough argument for this :thinking:

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