Graphs are shown only if I am a contact of the host OR by hovering with mouse over the icon!


CMK EE 1.6.0p18 is in use here.

If I am a user with all permissions, everything works without issues: I hover with the mouse over an icon of the performance graph at a service and a single one or multiple graphs are showed me correctly. If I click on the icon, the view with the service graph opens and I can see the graph with the data. All right.

If I am a “normal” user with restricted permissions and NOT a contact of the host but having a permission to view all hosts and services, I can see the service graphs by hovering with the mouse over the graph icon at the service. It shows me the same normal graph or multiple graphs belonging to the service and I can see data in the small preview graphs.

Now, I am clicking on the graph icon and the service graph view opens. If I am NOT a contact for the host, I can see the graph but it is not having any data, it is empty. Instead of values for MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, AVERAGE and LAST I can see only “n/a”. In the rows for warning or critical I can see configured values, though.

If I am a contact, then there is no problem to see the proper graph in the service graph view as expected.

I have not found an appropriate permission to enable this. It sounds like a bug to me, although.
Any experiences? Any hints from anyone?

Kind regards
Hermann M.

The question is how do you modified the default roles to achieve this.
In one of my systems there is a “Normal user” role with only the setting to “See all host and services” and this “Normal user” can also view all graphs.
The user is no contact in this system. If i remove the special setting from the role then these users see nothing. All is working there as expected.

Well, let me share with you the settings I have changed from the default ones:
See all host and services… YES
Enable/disable checks…YES
Enable/disable notifications …YES
Fake check results… YES
Reset modified attributes…YES
NagVis Maps… NO
Old Nagios GUI… NO
Read access to all modules…YES
Activate Foreign Changes… YES
Read access to all hosts and folders…YES
Write access to all hosts and folders…YES

Everything else is default for “Normal users”.

Thanks as always Andreas!

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