Happy New Year, Dear Checkmk Community!

Dear users, contributors, plugin developers, partners, Checkmk team, helpers of the forum and all the other people who feel like a part of the community all around the globe! :world_map:

Coming out of my short Christmas time-off, I would like to, first of all, say thank you for the last year. I am beyond grateful that this year I joined Checkmk team and this amazing community that every day surprises me with great people I meet. I hope that I did and will bring value to this community.

Not only I want to thank you but also share my hopes for the next, 2023 year: that we will meet on the Checkmk Conference, on Community Calls and on many other occasions. Furthermore, I believe that we will find more new ways of developing Checkmk as not only a product but as an ecosystem in which community thrives together with the product and is inseparable from it, where success of one inevitably leads to the success of the whole :relieved:

I do not know what next year will bring, but I hope that it brings you and your loved ones happiness, prosperity, health and opportunities for growth. I hope we stay together and manage to overcome any challenges, if we meet any.

Looking forward to seeing you next year,
Your Community Manager,


Happy New Year from Berlin!


Happy new year from Cologne and all the best for the upcoming year! :four_leaf_clover: