Help with an SNMP check: fine on cli, no output on web

So, it’s mostly working, however some hosts that match the scan function, and respond to all the appropriate OIDs aren’t registering in the GUI. From the CLI it’s running and seeing it:

OMD[network]:~/ks_junk$ cmk -nv --no-cache --debug --checks endrun_clock -II clock3
Discovering services on: clock3
 [snmp] Execute data source
 [piggyback] Execute data source
  1 endrun_clock
SUCCESS - Found 1 services

The check itself

# -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-

def inventory_endrun_clock(info):
    return [(None, {})]

def check_endrun_clock(item, params, info):
    for timeFigureOfMerit, ptpAccuracy, sigState in info:
        status = 0
        snmp_status = ''
        if int(timeFigureOfMerit) > 8:
            snmp_status += 'Time error is > 10ms:'
            status = 2
        if int(ptpAccuracy) > 1000:
            snmp_status += 'PTP Clock Accuracy greater than 1 milisecond (%s):' % ptpAccuracy
            status = 2
        if sigState <> 'LKD':
            snmp_status += 'CDMA signal status not locked! Currently=%s:' % sigState
            status = 2
        if (status == 0) and (int(ptpAccuracy) > 500):
            snmp_status += 'PTP Clock Accuracy greater than 500 microseconds (%s):' % ptpAccuracy
            status = 1
        if status == 0:
            snmp_status="CDMA signal locked: Time error of %s: PTP Accuracy of %s" % (timeFigureOfMerit, ptpAccuracy)
        return (status, "Status: %s" % snmp_status, [('timeFigureOfMerit', timeFigureOfMerit), ('ptpAccuracy', ptpAccuracy)])

check_info['endrun_clock'] = {
    'check_function':       check_endrun_clock,
    'inventory_function':   inventory_endrun_clock,
    'service_description':  "endrun clock",
    'snmp_scan_function':   lambda oid: 'Sonoma' in oid(".") and oid(".") != None,
    'has_perfdata':         True,

# endrun base
# . Integer time figure of merrit, timeFigureOfMerit
# . Integer PTP Clock Accuracy, ptpAccuracy
# . string CMD Signal State, sigState
snmp_info['endrun_clock'] = ('.', ['', '', ''])