Host Perfdata ping response / paketloss


is there a way to change the ping settings for the Host Perfdata which is checked for every host by default?
From time to time I have a few hosts with paketloss and a short peak of the roundtrip average time but only in CheckMK. If I test it by manual pinging (linux standard settings) the host there is no paketloss at all.


The problem is most times a firewall or other network devices. There are two versions of classic ping in CMK. The problem depends on the version you use.
One versions sends 5 ICMP packets at the same time and measures how many and how long they come back. The second versions does the same with the difference that it sends every packet with a 1 second delay in between (this is like a classic ping on command line).
Some network device have a problem with the first version as they say - ICMP is not so important and we can drop some packets :slight_smile:

There are two rules you can modify - “Host Check Command” to select the wanted method, “PING (active…” is the default and this is version 1, the emulated command line ping you need to configure by yourself with the option “Use a custom check plugin”.
But before you do this you can also modify the rule “PING and host check parameters”, here you can select other timeouts and packet loss counts.

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