Hosts appear in Setup but not monitoring

First, thanks for following through on this. It’s much appreciated. While I’ve confirmed that hosts are now visible to a ‘Normal Monitoring User’, it appears that a critical underlying permissions issue still exists. To reproduce…

  1. Create a Contact Group (‘noc-users’)
  2. Create a ‘Normal Monitoring User’ and assign it only the ‘noc-users’ Contact Group
  3. In Setup → Hosts, create a folder (‘private hosts’) and add a host to it. In the Folder properties, ensure that ‘Permissions’ is empty or, at least, doesn’t include the noc-users Contact Group.
  4. Log in as the user created above.
  5. Navigate to Setup → Hosts. Note that the restricted folder shows a lock on it and selecting the folder results in a ‘Sorry, you have no permissions message’. This is as it should be.
  6. Navigate to Monitor → All Hosts. Note that the restricted host is visible in this list, though it should not be.

The ultimate goal is simply to prevent ‘normal monitoring users’ from seeing alerts or receiving notifications for ‘restricted’ hosts/folders. We have hosts that we occasionally run manual tests against and we don’t want ‘normal monitoring users’ to see any of that noise.