How to download latest version of MK programatically

I would rather stay with official (whether stable or beta) releases than pulling directly from the git (which is something I did consider and yes that would be easier to automate as things currently stand). From what I can see on the git there is a separate branch for major releases but not for every patch level.

There is a json on the download page (downloads='{...}') but Ansible doesn’t make it super easy to parse through the whole webpage, find the json and then work with the json and there is no guarantee that this won’t change in the future. If that json was loaded from a dedicated json file it would be much easier to parse the json file directly with Ansible (or any other automation tool) and get the info we need from here to build the download link correctly.

No problem. We started automating installations with Ansible at my workplace, so I decided to automate with Ansible updates to my own Checkmk installation in my homelab to learn a little bit more about Ansible (and Checkmk). While at work we very rarely update Checkmk (once a year at best), I like to stay up to date with the latest features in my homelab, so having a playbook run once every day and automatically update when an update is available is always something I wanted to do. Currently I just change the rpm URL path once I get notified about a new update but removing any manual intervention would be even cooler.